Sunday, March 7, 2010

Feeling Welcome

So the past couple of days I have been severely lacking in the blog posting! So I have a feeling this may be a biggie to make up for my temporary lack of commitment.

So anyways things are going pretty well. On Friday I met someone about the english tutoring job, and everything is a go. We will have a meeting next week and then I will have my students! Its pretty relaxed I think, and since its tutoring, I basically make the schedule because I contact the students and see when they are available to meet with me. It will be nice to have a little extra cash flow since my budget is so so strict. Maybe I'll save it up and go travelling a little at the end... or maybe save it just in case I accumulate any debt over the next few months and then its a "survival money stash". Haha knowing me I might actually need it!

Well I have my courses picked out. Right now I have six separate courses, plus lessons, plus 3 or 4 ensembles. I also have a class in english that is just for me! I will be meeting with a teacher about three times a week for a class, and its pretty open. We can study most anything I am interested in. I think I've really lucky to have this opportunity... Its not very often that you get a class just for you, where you can study whatever you wish. I have to think of some things I want to learn about! I think things will probably get quite busy as the term goes on. Classes are only 45 minutes to an hour and a half each time though, so its not really that much class time. Ensembles don't start until April, so I'll be able to ease myself into the classes before getting too overwhelmed. I will be in orchestra, which also means I get to play in an opera! I think that is so cool!! I also said I would play in the big band here, and a brass ensemble, and I think I will also do trumpet ensemble and maybe choir. Oh so exciting!! I might as well play in as many ensembles here as I possibly can and take advantage of all the opportunities here that are different from Laurier. I'm actually getting excited to start school now! It may sound strange, but I feel like it has been a long time since I've really committed myself to school work, or since I've been interested in or involved in my program. Last semester I was so busy working and second year was so busy with wlusu things.... Its a nice feeling to know that I can show my inner nerd and have school as my obligation. :) I am a little nervous to go to my two classes tomorrow however, because I have not talked to these professors about teaching in english... although they were given to me as optional courses, I'm a little worried with some disorganization that the teacher is not aware that I need to be taught in english. Eek! I think I will go a little early and maybe talk to the prof before hand to make sure we are on the same page. :) God knows I'll be stuck in a class that is only in German!! fml! hahah

As far as the social scene goes, its been picking up!!! Well I guess it could only go up considering I didn't know anybody last week! On Friday afternoon I got this call from the dean (well I found out he isn't actually the dean! He was last year, but then this year he decided to step down and is now a director... but I will still refer to him as the dean:) ) anyways, so I get this call and he asked me if I wanted to go to the musical with him, and of course I say yes. So I met him at the school and we walked over together. It was a musical written by students and run by students and I was really impressed! Even though it was komplett auf Deutsch, I still got the general gist of it and it was quite funny! Okay so soo embarassing... so at intermission the dean asked me I wanted a beer, and I said yes, and so he got me a beer. And just a side note... I never drink beer from bottles, usually only cans, so I have been unaware of any foaming out the top of the bottle that could occur. So anyways I take a sip and foam spills right out the top and all over my hands! SO embarassing! ahhaa he probably was thinking that I had never drunk beer before! And so after the show was over I was putting on my coat and things, and he was like 'oh! After the show we party! There is a party now!' I was like whaaahh?? Throughout the night he had been introducing me to a few different people, so he said to me 'oh you know people now, so you should stay!' I was like :| ooooh kayyy. But I actually knew no one!! PLUS everyone was speaking German, so its not like I could just hop in on someone's conversation. Luckily he introduced me to a girl who is really interested in studying at Laurier next term, so I was able to talk to her, and then she invited me out to a bar that all the students were going to after. So I ended up going and getting a drive and everything and meeting quite a few people! It was great! Although, I think my name has officially become "Susie from Canada" ahhaha. Oh well whatever works!

Yesterday I went for lunch with the girl who was showing me around on wednesday, and then went to practice at the school with her. While I was practicing, this other trumpet player walked in because he heard a trumpet player, and we ended up talking for quite a while. Apparently my teacher is really great! He is also apparently really strict with technique... which I guess is both good and bad! I'm excited to meet him finally. I ended up going to see the musical again with my friend and going for dinner with her and her boyfriend. However, the party after last night's show was kind of lame, so we left after a while and were going to go for a drink somewhere but ended up just going home haha. It was a good day though!!

Today as been low key, its the first day I haven't left the house! My mom finally figured out how to use skype! hahah she was so amazed!

Anyways I best be off to bed! I will pray that my classes are in German!!!

OH! And Lucas is coming to visit next week maybe!!! YAY!! :D So excited! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a great time! Keep on truckin', it's only going to get better.
    I miss you "Susie From Canada".
