Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quite the day

So today was very interesting! I went this morning to meet the dean, but turns out it was actually like an orientation for all first year students where like all the profs talk and everything. But the thing is, it was all in German! And then I was talking to the dean afterwards, and like it turns out that actually the courses they offered me are no longer? Well no longer in english? Of the five courses, only two are in english. So I'm going to take those two courses, along with orchestra which hopefully I will be able to figure out even though its in german. He ended up pairing me up with two students at the school who helped me out with everything and showed me around and such. I felt like kind of an idiot the whole day though... like everyone was so shocked that I didn't speak english.. and thought like what was I thinking? This is a german school? It was so frustrating.. like to find out that apparently I can only take three courses here? Ughhhh. And like I planned last term and the next two terms according the courses that I was able to take here. Like obviously I would not have come if I knew I could only take three music courses? I need a full course load to not fall behind. I am going to meet with the exchange student that was at Laurier last term to try and figure out what to do... I might end up taking some english courses offered at the Fachhochschule that aren't music... but that would be really disappointing. I came here to study music, not anything else. Ah so frustrating! Anyway, I hope it will all work out... it just came as a shock to me how disorganized everything was here. I will post again tomorrow when I find out some more news.

<3 Susie

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