Thursday, March 18, 2010

Things are going well :)

The past few days have been pretty rough on me, I was just feeling really down & missing everyone from home a lot. But yesterday was a really good day, I met some international students and I'll be seeing them again tonight I think. Also, Lucas comes today! I made him a little "Welcome to Germany" care package made of Haribo gummy bears, a mini jager meister, das Bier, and a bun from a bakery!! :) yay! I can't wait to see him!! I know I've been slacking the past little while in this blog, put I think things are going to start to pick up soon so there will be lots to report on!! Its a beautiful day here, like springs jacket weather! So I'm off to practice, then pick Luke up at the train station!!

Hope everyone had a great St. Paddys! And I hope it at one point involved phone books, pilons, and fire extinguishers!!


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