Friday, March 12, 2010

I should probably avoid the Discotech

Well last night I went to the Discotech!! It was a hugee club, like 4 floors, and really nice architecture from what I remember. Actually, my memory of the night is quite vague to be honest. Before going to the discotech I went to a bar first with a friend and I only had three drinks there but they just killed me! They were called Zombies, and they were like 80% alcohol, 20% really fruity juice. The walk from the bar to the discotech is even a little blury :| I did not intend to be like that ahhhh I'm not sure what time I got home... or who I walked with... the club is open until 7am but I'm pretty sure I didn't stay that long. Gosh I don't like nights like this! I woke up at noon today and like could not even move, it was such a task to bring my laptop to my bed. I then proceeded to fall back asleep with my laptop in front of my face, and sleep until 4 in the afternoon!! 4!!! Thats like the whole day gone! I got out of bed around 5, chatted with my roommate for an hour and then I had the best idea ever of going to the grocery store to get a pizza to cook for my one and only meal of the day. :) however, once I purchased the pizza I had an even better idea of going to get a kabab. Sooo all I've consumed today is like one kebab and 5 glasses a water. What a great life i lead hahaha . Omg the worst day ever! Its midnight now and I still feel awful & queezy. I should not go to anymore Discotechs! Or rather I should not have anymore Zombie drinks. Also, since I slept all day I'm not even tired! Oh! I also proceeded to do laundry last night. I realized this fact this morning (well afternoon) when I saw my detergent in my laundry bag instead of on my shelf. I was kind of impressed to be honest, how many people can say they don't remember doing laundry ahhaah. So I went downstairs to the laundry room, and what do ya know, theres my load of laundry still sitting in the washing machine. Ugh worst day ever! Hopefully this isn't a two day hangover and it will be gone tomorrow!!

Thats it for now!! Thanks for reading :) :) :)


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