Thursday, March 4, 2010

A much better day

Let me just say, today was a much better day than yesterday. The dean called me this morning and told me he had emailed the theory professor about me. He was also really nice and said that if I was stressed to call him. I guess I wasn't very good at hiding my feelings yesterday ahaha. Anyways I ended up going to see the theory professor today because I wanted to talk to him in person, and he said that it will all work out. I gave him a list of a whole bunch of courses at Laurier that I need so I might not end up taking post tonal theory (which I'm not so sad about! :P) because allthoughthey do offer that course at the Fachhochschule, it is only in German. Even though it was a much better day, I still had my regular ridiculousness happen to me.. because god knows it wouldn't be a day in the life of suze if something didn't go wrong haha. So this morning I attempt to walk to the bus stop to take it to the school, and I ended up looking for the bus station for half an hour! I walked in this HUGE circle! And then I get on the right bus number, but its going in the wrong direction! I ended up at the zoo! It was a good like 45 minute bus ride. Just Ridiculous. But today the orientation was pretty good, and I went out to lunch with some other students who were being .."oriented"? I guess haha but ya it was good! And the student cafeteria here is SO cheap! you can get a full meal with a couple side dishes, dessert, and a drink and pay less than three euros! Its super cheap for students! Why couldn't the DH be like this?!

Well anyways this was just short and sweet. Oh! I forgot to mention that I got a job! Well... kind of. I just kind of walked into it. So today I went to the international office to ask about getting a student visa, and the guy asked if I was working while I was here and I said maybe and he said "do you want to?" haha they need native english speakers to be english tutors. Its only like 5 hours a week! Could be perfect! He asked me to come in tomorrow at 1... I'm not sure at all what I'll be doing or how long I will be there for. Exciting!

Anyways thats all for now!! Night!

lovelovelove, Suze

1 comment:

  1. Hey Suse,

    It's me again, just stopping by for my daily fix, haha. Glad to hear that everything is going a bit better and that's great about the job! Your cafeteria sounds AMAZING! I would get excited about that, haha. Keep writing.

    Much love, Mike
