Sunday, March 28, 2010

Disco Pogo

It is inevitable. Apparently I cannot handle having a blog hahaha. But I have not given up yet!

...I will work backwards!!

Okay so for the past few days the internet here has just been awful. I'm not just talking like turtle slow... I'm talking like five minutes to check your email slow! Well my point of this story is, I made my Ice Breaker video a few days ago but I made it really quickly & it was just a rough draft. I wanted to make sure my idea wasn't totally out of the wazoo. Well anyway, I made a new one and added a whole bunch of stuff, but it wouldn't upload because of the internet here. :( so lame!! I hope the song Disco Pogo will win over the markers hahah. :)

I'm feeling a lot better being here now. It was hard at first... but I think I have come to terms with everything. There's no use in being upset anymore about how things worked out, so I should just try to make the best of it and seize the day. Speaking of which, I bought a flight to Sweden! I will be going to visit Lucas on April 8th, less than two weeks away! The flight round trip was only 38 euros! Really cheap!

Okay, so my bed here is like a good foam mattress, and it is on top of the bottom (obviously)... but the bottom is made out of like many wooden strips about 2 inches wide each and a few inches in-between each one... making the bed bouncy. Okay, so the other day I stepped on my bed for some reason instead of just sitting... and what do you ya know! I hear this huge snap! How embarrassing for me! One of the wooden strips broke hahaha Something like this would happen to me! hahah

So my biggest accomplishment so far since I've been here... drum roll.... get ready for it..... I completed seven seasons of Gilmore Girls!! I'm not sure whether or not I should be disgusted or proud. Seven seasons, that is 100.45 hours of tv. Next up: 10 seasons of friends! Yay!

Well this week here is Easter week, so a week of holidays!! I am going to go to Bremen, Hannover, & the North Sea I think! These are all places I can get to for free with my student card which is kind of fun! :) I might as well go if its free, right?

Also, I've been tutoring alot! I did like 7 hours last week and I think I'll have the same amount the week after this one. For Easter week most students went home! I think if I keep up these hours, Egypt will definitely be a go!! :D

Anyways thats it! if you are interested in seeing my breaker video, its on youtube called "European Breaker". Its also a sing along!!

Thank you kindly for reading!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the song Disco Pogo! :D

    Disco pogo ding-a-ling-a-ling!
