Monday, March 8, 2010

Ich verstehe das nicht!

So!!! Whoever reads this is going to think I am a total weiner!

I'll start from the beginning... okay so I get up and I go to this place to get my german visa. BUT apparently I need to have proof of 600 euros per month in my account for each month that I stay here! I don't spend nearly that much! I also don't have proof of those funds! I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do! Ah I will have to call mommy for this one haha... maybe get her to mail be something. Ooh goodness I hate all this administrative stuff! Just ridiculous.

Okay so after I failed at obtaining my visa I was going to go to my first class, which was about pop music and music videos, which I think would be quite interesting! However, I was too nervous to go to the class!! Its not going to class that makes me nervous, but the fact that I don't speak german and the class in german. The teacher would then need to translate everything just for me, and I feel really awful that everyone else in the class, its just wasting time for them. Ah! So I didn't go!! :| What a weiner! And then I was kind of mad at myself for not going, so I made myself go to my second (and last) class of the day. The prof is really nice and we talked for a bit before the other three students in the class came in. But they speak german (of course), so like the whole class was in German except for some little things he translated for me. I don't know,... it was just kind of pointless for me to go to that class. I didn't understand a thing! (Ich verstehe das nicht!) I'm looking forward to tomorrow, because I will meet the professor who will be working with me individually! Hopefully that goes much better than today! :| I might just learn the contents of the german course from him, because there is no real point in me going to lectures in German. Ugh! Hopefully tomorrow will be better! But I practiced today! I don't even remember the last time I practiced at Laurier which is completely awful!

I think this is an early night though!!! Night!!!

<3 Susie

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