Monday, March 22, 2010

I've been lame

I have been quite lame lately in regards to posting, so heres a little update... good new & bad news

So lucas came to visit on Thursday! We had a really great time together! Drank all three nights LOL. The second night we ended up finding this huge statue and stayed there for SO long just trying to climb on top of it & mount it! Ahaha there are some pretty epic videos of us giving instructions on "how to mount a fraulline"! I almost peed myself every time I watched them. The last night we ended up hanging out in this playground for sooo long and tedor-todored for like an hour and a half... each of us with a 1.8 euro bottle of wine in hand! People must have thought we were so strange... especially because every time people would walk by we wouldn't say a word, just keep going up & down on the tedor-todor and drink our wine. It was no big deal. And at one point like 5 guys came into the park and all peed at the same time! LOL I think it should be named the pee park, I may have participated as well. :P The weekend was really fantastic with him here, next up I will go to Sweden to visit him! I'm thinking end of April or some time in May. Yes that will be grand. :)

Things are still kind of lacking in the social department. I found out that alot of international students live in the same residences, many in the same flats. I just think its so unfair. And a lot of them already know each other because many of them participated in the February language course. Its just hard sometimes not knowing many people, and the only people I have met in this "residence" are my two flat mates (one of which may I remind you is 27!). Yea soo. I actually sent an email yesterday explaining everything thats been happening so far & asked if I could switch residences. Its just so unfair to me, it sucks so much. Like I chose to live in residence to meet people... If I knew it was going to be like this I would have just rented a random room somewhere. It turns out that there are no available rooms though... but they asked me to come in and talk to them tomorrow, so hopefully things will be better for me. You'd think after three weeks of living here I would have met more than just a few people.. yea not exactly what I anticipated would happen before coming.. its kind of hard on me, but I'm hopeful that things will get better soon. Can only go up from here!

Also, I start tutoring tomorrow! Its just making conversation really with the students... but I don't even have any idea what we will talk about! hahah things could get a little turtle. And in the email the guy sent me he said "I can't wait to meet a professional like you" ... so things are definitely going to be turtle once he meets me haa. I downloaded some funny stories and some news articles so he can read to me if he wants. :) I hope it goes well!

Furthermore, there is an international students' dinner tomorrow evening which I will be attending. Every student is to bring a dish typical of their home country, so I made rice crsipy squares! (With smarties on top!). I had to go to three grocery stores to find marshmallows! And even then they only had one kind and they were imported from the states and work out to cost $3.50 per bag LOL but I bought them anywyas. And apparently Germany likes to have 1000+ types of Muesli, but only one type of rice crispies and they are chocate! ahahha oh well I think they will be a success regardless.

Anyways thats it for this evening. I'm off to bed because its midnight now. I will post tomorrow. Get back into the swing of things.


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