Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 16!!*

So once again I haven't posted in the past few days... but really nothing of significance happened other than unsuccessfully attempting to use a pot like a pan, eating nutella from a spoon, and having a teacher that reminds me of my dentist. Oh! And having yet another class in German. fml! hahah but yesterday was a good day!

So yesterday I met the teacher who will be teaching me individually. He is pretty nice, seems really serious though, and very smart. Almost indimidating smart. I probably should have a prepared an idea of what I wanted to learn before meeting with him, because I looked kind of smart like s-m-r-t. ya know. But the whole time I was talking with him all I could think about was how much he reminded me of my dentist, which was a little distracting. So I'll be meeting with him for a couple of hours every Tuesday to cover the material. I'm hoping to get my credits with him: Post tonal theory, music culture & technology, and orchestration. But I also have a class for orchestration, hopefully it isn't completely in german like my previous classes.

Mmk so yesterday night there was a meeting for all english tutors. I got to meet a couple other native english speakers, which was refreshing. I think the job is going to go well. You tutor someone for 45 minutes, but get paid for the hour. Also, for every 4 hours you work, you get an extra hour of pay for preparation! We only get payed once, which will be at the end of the term and probably for 120 hours. It will be almost 1000 euros!! If everything goes well, I think it would be neat to use that money and go traveling, but not europe! What about Egypt! There is a Contiki tour that is 8 days that goes all over europe and is under 1000 euros! I think that would be the coolest thing ever. Chances are I won't be able to get a job for July and August here since I don't speak german, so the plan might be to just stick around until the first week of july when the term is all over, go on the tour, and then fly home. It all so far away though still! But Egypt would be amazing! And different than good ol' europe. :) I won't tell my mom about this though, I can only imagine what she would say!!

After the meeting I met up with the two friends who have been showing me around and we went to the bar that I was at the other night, because apparently every other Tuesday there are jazz jam sessions there. It was really cool and relaxed... whoever wanted to play just brought their instrument and jammed. Its too bad we don't have something like this in Waterloo.

I think that tomorrow I am going to the discoteck! haha it shoudld be a fun! Apparently the biggest one in Osnabruck!!

Life has been a little lame lately, but hopefully it will pick up eventually. There are no classes today through Friday because of a competition being held in the music building, they shut it down for students. I can't even practice there! Just ridiculous!!

Okay thats all! Thanks for reading!!!!! ♥♥♥


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