Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moved in to Residence!

Its true! I moved into residence today! I lugged my suitcase across the whole town to my building and waited for like an hour for the custodian to come (who was a half hour late! btw). Did I mention before that the hostel I was staying in here was called "Penthouse Backpackers"? Meaning it was on the top floor of a building? Meaning I had to carry my suitcase up three huge flights of stairs? Meaninggg I had to carry it down the stairs this morning and pretty much died? Ugh the worst! I'm happy to be out of that hostel, it was so boring! I had to occupy my time with things like broken umbrellas and super glue. Anyways so I'm in my apartment now, and guess what! Its a three bedroom apartment with me & 2 guys! LOL What!! I didn't even know if there would be guys on my floor, let alone me only living with them!! I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work out! I've never lived with guys before! I think I like living with girls, I think I'm a "live with girls" kind of person! I know there are girls in the apartments next to us, so hopefully I'll meet them eventually. I've only met one of my roommates so far & he's really nice and speaks perfect english. The other one apparently smokes a lot of weed and only eats pizza ahaha. I haven't met him yet, he should be here in a week or so. The apartment is cute. Clean which is good, with one washroom and a small kitchen. There's no living room though which is kind of strange. And the fridge is SO small! Like a quarter the size of a regular fridge, or like a large bar fridge. I was like "Whahh?!" ahah. And I don't think we have a microwave.. and I think I need to buy myself a pan ahha but luckily the guys are letting me use their dishes. :) My room is ginormous!! Like really big, probably almost three times the size of my green room in Waterloo. I also have a glass door as a window, and it opens like a door and then there is a little fence, like a balcony its really cute! So overall I'm impressed with the flat. I'm not sure how many people I am going to meet in this building though... even though it is a residence, many people have lived here for a few years, so its not like everyone moves every year. I might just end up meeting other exchange students or people in my classes... well hopefully anyway!

Sooo tomorrow I meet the dean! WHAT! hahah oh god! 10am! And the address he gave me is so confusing! He said a number then the street name then a number.... which apparently means room #, street, then building #. I'm actually going to go like an hour early so that I don't get lost. And this appointment is conveniently at the exact same time that the orientation for international students starts! Gotta love when these things happen! Oh and apparently the orientation is only intended for students studying in the faculty of business management or social science... they told me to ask the music faculty if they had anything prepared for international music students... but I'm pretty sure that I am one of few.. if not the only international music student here. They said I can come to their orientation if I want, but some of the information won't be relevant to me. I'm of course going to go... and of course walk in awkwardly late due to my meeting with the dean. Wow I'm just loving life right now! Hopefully tomorrow goes well.

So today I went shopping! Well.. not really but I got a cell phone! OH! Turns out I actually cant use my phone from Ireland conveniently! Because the german sim cards are not compatible with the english phones. So then I had to buy a brand new phone. It was only 30 euro, but still by the time i put 20 euro credit on it, it was like 50 euros. I also got some groceries, and I realized that I needed a pillow for my bed, and I conveniently found a 1 euro store... and guess what! I got a pillow for one euro! This again however is an example of when I am just too cheap for my own good, because the pillow is such a fail!! Its square and only fills half of my pillow case! ahaha God knows what its stuffed with, it feels like one of those airplane pillows.

Anyways I'm just getting settled in now, I will write tomorrow about the adventures of my day!!

Good night everyone!


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