Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Professional English Speaker

So I started tutoring today! Its pretty relaxed... we just talked for an hour and a half. Its a pretty sweet deal. I'm just scared that with all these students I will eventually run out of things to talk about! The guy I met with today mostly just talked & I said: ya, okay, ooh really why is that? My usual responses :)

So I went to the international dinner tonight. It was good, met a couple of people. The event wasn't very big. I also finally got a buddy, which is a german student who lives here who helps you out with anything you need. At first I didn't have one because I am studying music... but I think because of my previous email I sent them they were concerned. Also, the rice crispy squares were a success! This one girl liked them so much she wants me to email her the recipe! haha :)

Thats its for now! I've also started to work on my video for my breaker creative skit! Skype interview is a go!

thanks for reading!


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