Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Back in the game!! I love Germany! :)

So my two month blog hiatus is over! ...and man have things changed!

Well, first off, about three weeks ago I moved into a different residence. Actually, I switched rooms with another girl. She was really unhappy here & I didn't like where I was living... so we made a simple switch! :) Its worked out for the best for the both of us. I love it here. Where I'm living is called 'Dodesheide'. It is a dorm style residence... long corridors with single rooms, and the whole floor shares a kitchen. There are SO many international students here I love it. Most of them go to the Uni. There are people from everywhere here... USA, Indonesia, China, Korea, Bulgaria, Romania, just everywhere! Its a ton of fun! There are three separate buildings that all form our little dodesheide community. :) I love it. And there is a little pond right behind my building which we hang out at on sunny days. There is also a little bar in one of the buildings called 'Nachtasyl'. Its really cheap and theres a dart board & a pool table, its a good time. We also have poker nights every week... and I'm actually really good! I've been playing poker with my dad forever.. and its finally paid off! ;-) This residence is also the cheapest residence to live in... just 144 euro per month!! just ridic! The only downside is that it is kind of far from the school... about a 30 minute bike ride. But at least I'm staying healthy!! :)

Honestly in the past few weeks I can't even count how many times I have gone out! Its about 2 or 3 times a week. I wish I had stopped my hiatus earlier so I could write about each night, but now its back! So I'm back in action with the blogging about some outrageous stories :) but I'll say the highlights I can remember of the past week or so...

So for the past 10 days there has been this huge festival here called "Mai Woche" which means May Week. Throughout all of the pedestrian only streets there were all these different types of booths, mostly food and beer! And on every corner there was a stage, it was saweet! I think I went there waaayy too much :P They even built this outdoor club, it was amazing and they hired girls to dance on the bars! I was in there the opening night & this large drunk guy got on the bar as well and danced but he was so drunk that he just fell completely backwards off the bar! It was so ridiculous! The festival was a ton of fun to go to, even if just during the day to see some live music. :) It just ended the other day.

So I think I am going to be doing some traveling in July! I will be going to Pampelona in Spain to run with the bulls in the streets! It is insane I know, I hope I don't get hurt! I need to start running in advance! :P I also really want to go to Ireland! I think I'll be going there too! and then on the 17th of july to Croatia! oh baby! Thank god for my tutoring money! ;-)

My classes here have been going well!! Life actually started to get really busy! I have to write an essay for one of them, and I have been putting it off for like 5 weeks.. actually. this weekend maybe I'll live in the lib and just get er' done! :) And I lovee my trumpet teacher here still, he is just amazing. I'm learning so much from him. I definitely could not have gained the knowledge I'm getting from him, in Canada.

So the most outrageous story from the past couple weeks is this one night, we were all just at this bar Sunrise where we always go and we stayed there really late and a few of us were really pretty drunk, and so we were walking through the MaiWoche festival, but like everything was closed because it was so late. All of the booths were closed, and at this one bar the tent flaps were covering the whole bar and the entrance into the bar (which actually spins during the day), and so us being so clever, we decided to go into the bar! We just opened the door and crawled right in! It was sooo cool! And hilarious! So we were in there and just poured ourselves some strawberry drinks and then left like nothing happened! My one friend who was pouring the drinks spilt the strawberry stuff like all over the counter hahaha. but now I have the glass cup from that night & its such a good souvenir! Then a couple nights later we went to this karaoke bar, and things got a little out of control again... well first off were were there until like 5:30 am! It was light out when we left! And so the three of us from the last time we went into the spinny bar were walking through the MaiWoche again, and we decided to go in again! And this time we weren't even drunk really! And it was daylight! haha so again we got some drinks. All in a days work!!

Tonight I played poker in the bar here in Dodesheide with the Americans and our friend from Indonesia. We play every Wednesday, Texas Hold Em'! Its always a good time. :)

Tmrw I have no classes because its Thursday, but I have to tutor for a few hours and practice of course. I also have my weekly massage in the afternoon :) :) :) I think I am actually addicted to great massages now! When I go back to Canada I'm scared I'm going to need to start getting weekly massages! Eeek!

But, thats all for now! I'll write tomorrow of course!

Thanks for reading!


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