Monday, May 31, 2010

layed back few days...

So its Monday again! :P I've officially been here for about 3 months and one week... I can't even believe it! Time flies by here!

Like I said last time, Saturday night we went to Sonnendeck. The other day one of my friends put up pictures of me & Wandy & Vartan dancing on the bar embarassing! They were an automatic de-tag. Just the worst. I was a sloppy sweaty mess!

Would you believe... that yesterday I went for a run!? Yes its true! In the woods too! Its nice living in Dodesheide becuase its right on the edge of the city & there's a lot of nice things around here to see like farms & woods. :) Last night I hung out with Ian & Mike & we watched fantasia! Tripiest movie ever!

Today I had trumpet ensemble & a trumpet lesson & tutored for an hour or so. I also practiced trumpet for a while & piano for an hour! :P so good for me! :) Theres this little clothing shop on Johannisstrasse that sells the nicest stuff and I couldn't resist and went there today and got another shirt! Its the third one I have from there! :P ahah I'm such an impulsive shopper it is just terrible. I watched some Community & The Office with Ian & Mike tonight also, and that leads me to now! Not the most exciting day.. but if I don't write about it I will forget what I've done here!


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