Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ahh love the Erasmus life

So the past few days have been really great!!

On thursday I went out with one of my german friends to Sunrise & there we ended up running into a whole bunch of international students! It was a really really really fun night. Lets just say OSH is bia ;-)

Last night was pretty relaxed! On thursday I only got like 3 hours of sleep... so last night I went to bed pretty early! There was a Greek/Turkish party happening in Haus 6, so I stopped by there of course, and then me Mike & Wandy played a couple rounds of beer pong in one kitchen. I can't believe I've actually never played that game before in all my years at Laurier!

Today was a unusual day... because it is Saturday, but yet I had rehearsal alll day! Gosh darn orchestra! After that I practiced a tiny bit & then came back to Dodesheide. Eurovision 2010 was happening tonight... which is like this HUGE singing contest but for all of Europe! It is soo epic, and gets more ratings than the super bowl here! It was really fun, so many people crowed into Nachtasyl here & cheering for their own country! And cocktails at Nachtasyl are only 1.50 euro, just ridiculous, because it is a student bar & they are not in it to make money so they sell the drinks for what they buy it for. So anyways we were in Nachtasyl for quite a while then went to Sonnendeck! And we danced on the bar again!!! hahah it would not be a night in Sonnendeck unless we danced on the bar! ;-) And we managed to catch the last bus back:)

So that brings me to now! Wandy & I sat in the kitchen for like a half hour eating some pasta & chatting when we first got back!

But! Big news!! I am thinking of staying here for another semester... so far it looks like I think I will. There are pros and cons to both staying and going... I have to look into it though from the sides of both schools... its really complicated!! I will keep you updated though...

okay thats it! I'm exhausted.. its exactly 4:01am now!!

Tschuss! Gutan nacht!


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