Sunday, February 21, 2010


So here I am again... my bag is (almost) packed and I'm Europe bound!

I really don't know what to expect in the next few months. Not very many music students go on an exchange... actually only one music student went last year. And what is even more intimidating is that I am the first music student to exchange to Fachhochschule Osnabruck in Germany. I'm not sure what to expect of my classes, teachers, school work, and just everything in general. I'm just hoping that it is all worth it. :)

My flight is at 2:05 tomorrow! I fly Toronto to Chicago, then Chicago to Amsterdam. I have to switch terminals in Chicago which is kind of a pain and hopefully my luggage makes it to the next plane! Speaking of luggage, this time I'm taking a suitcase instead of a big backpack. I have more stuff to take this time, like bedding and books. However, what is kind of embarrassing is that the only suitcase I own is pink! But not just any pink... hot pink! Any hope I had of not looking so touristy in Amsterdam is completely gone! I just weighed my suitcase too and I'm pretty sure it is very very over the max weight of 50 pounds, which is not good at all! I'm also kind of worried about the new carry on luggage restrictions, because I have to take two things on as carry on: my trumpet & my laptop. Last summer I had no problem because I didn't bring my laptop, but this time I'm a little worried, and I found the descriptions about the restrictions online kind of vague. I guess I will just have to find out tomorrow!

I can't even believe that I leave tomorrow! I never actually thought the day would come! Its a really strange feeling I have. I'm excited to go, because I know it is going to be quite an adventure. But its hard to leave so much behind at the same time. Luckily there are things like skype to help with the pain of being so far away! I'm soo nervous though. Like sickly nervous. I can't even think about tomorrow. I try to avoid things like organizing and packing by watching the Olympics (and Canada's loss to the US :( ) and playing tetris! Its hard though when my mom is asking me questions like every 5 seconds about every possible thing to do with the trip! She covers every possible topic from having my passport to packing underwear. I think she might actually be more nervous than I am!

I kind of have a general plan for the next week. I'll be in Amsterdam for 3 or 4 nights before hopping a train bound for Germany! I'll be living in the city of Osnabruck, which I heard is really beautiful! I don't really have a plan for Amsterdam, just kind of go with the flow of things. My flight is arriving at 9 am, and I have directions to the city centre from the airport as well as these really awful directions to get from the train station to my hostel. I hate to admit it, but I know that I am going to get lost in the 5 minute walk to my hostel and it is probably going to end up taking an hour to find it! I just get use to these kinds of things happening to me! Anyways, knowing me I will probably just end up sleeping the entire day on Tuesday, because I arrive at 9 am Amsterdam time... but they are six hours ahead... so with the jet lag and the lack of sleep on the plane I bet I will be exhausted! But the thing with hostels is that you can't usually get into your room until the afternoon, so I'll have to find a place (coffee shop? ;) ) to hang out in during the morning. I've heard that Amsterdam is a really beautiful city, so I'm sure there will be lots of things there to keep me busy with. :) And then either Friday or Saturday I will take a train to Osnabruck.. which mind you isn't cheap! Like $85! But even with the cost of the train, Amsterdam was still the cheapest city to fly to that was relatively close to Osnabruck.

So I guess thats it for now. I will be posting as often as I can over the next 4 to 6 months!
Thanks for reading!!

Susie ♥


  1. Safe travels Susie! Love the hot pink blog! Keep the posts coming, I'll be following. Cheers to a good trip.

  2. Have Fun Susie!! I'm glad I got to see you before you left, but I'll miss you! You'll have an amazing time :)

    Ps. I love your hot pink bag

