Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well I made it to Amsterdam safe & sound! The flights weren't too bad at all. I flew Air Canada to Chicago then United Airlines Chicago to here... and I got to sit beside this nice kiwi fellow on the long plane ride.

Okay so before I checked in for my flight at the airport I weighed my suitcase to see if it was overweight, and it was 64 lbs!!! :| Wtf did I pack!!! So I had to give my mom a whole bunch of things to take back home.

Anyways, I'm just at my hostel now, and its actually really nice. I can't get into my room until 2pm, so until then I'm just kind of hanging out, maybe I'll go for a walk, explore the city a little. :)


  1. Glad to hear that you got there safely Susie. Hope the weather there is a lot better than it is here!


  2. Hey! I'm happy to hear you are safe and sound, I miss you :( Have an AMAZING time!!!!!
