Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day two

So today was my first full day in Amsterdam. Its weird, I feel like I have been here for much longer than just one night! Today was slow starting. Some things never change because like I usually do, I woke up about 20 minutes before the free breakfast ended. I had to rush out of bed and attempt to get ready in the dark, I've gotten pretty good at that though. So I made it to breakfast and I swear and drank half a litre of orange juice, but like ALL I could think about when I first woke up was orange juice! It was like a miracle at the time that they orange juice!! Today was pretty relaxed, we went to the Van Gogh museum, but didn't actually end up going in because it was 14euro!! So expensive :| Instead we went to the sex museum. :) A pretty relaxed day which was nice. I then met up with a friend I have living here in Amsterdam, meeting up with her again tomorrow for some shopping! Aaaand I got some exciting news! Well last term I met up with the girl who was on exchange from Osnabruck at Laurier, and she is back in Germany and has offered to pick me up from the train station on Friday & take me to my hostel! :) Whoo! I really have no idea how I would have found my hostel in that city! I get lost really easily. When I first got here I went to the tourist office and asked for exact directions to get to my hostel ahha. Anyways, tonight is just a night to relax, I'm still so tired from last night's festivities. I was considering going on the pub crawl here with some of the people I had met, but I can't just yet justify spending 20 euro on it! Maybe last summer I would have, but this time I have to be pretty strict with my money, which is probably for the best anyways. :)

Well thats it for now, I hope everyone is doing well back home! ttyl!


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