Saturday, February 27, 2010

Having no friends can be kind of lame

Soo as the title suggests, having no friends is very lame. Well I guess I made one friend here, I talked to this guy from Munich in the kitchen here at the hostel for a few minutes today but that was it, and he's leaving tomorrow so I am friendless again haha. Its usually not so bad, but this town isn't really touristy, and this is the only hostel in the city... so not a lot of people come through the hostel. Its pretty deserted like 99% of the time, its almost erie. Sometimes I feel like I'd be safer at a really busy hostel with every bunk in the room filled, like the one I was in in Amsterdam. Thats just because I know that people are around, and say if anything happens people will be around to help, or nothing bad will happen there because there are so many people around. I guess there are pros and cons to both types. The other thing is that in busy hostels it is pretty easy to strike up a conversation with anyone, because many people are travelling/backpacking like you and are looking to do the same thing. Especially in my hostel in Amsterdam it was really easy to meet people because there was a bar area. But here so far there have only been middle aged men here for one night at a time in my room, and I haven't seen a single soul in the kitchen or living room every time I've gone. So my point is, I guess the next two days are going to continue to be lame until I can move into res on Tuesday.

Today was a slow start, I ended up waking up at noon which means I slept 12 hours again :| Hopefully my sleeping patterns will be back to normal soon! And it was raining again! And sooo apparently my umbrella is a piece of crap, because every five seconds it flips inside out, and two of the bar things on the inside are already kind of broken! I just bought it yesterday! I'm so use to this though, everything I own always breaks. Oh and I forgot to mention, that the day before my flight my iPod decided to just give up on life. Its been going for three years strong, but now nothing. I brought it along with me just for the hope of it coming back to life one day soon. But! The worse thing is that because my computer crashed a couple months ago I lost all the music that was on it, so the only place that it was being stored was on my iPod and now it might all be gone too! So ridiculous!

Okay where was I... So I just went out today with my lame umbrella and explored the town a bit. I ended up going to see where my residence is and it looks really cute! Its looks small, and I think there are three people to every flat from what I could tell with the mailboxes. Its really close to town and just up the street there are two music stores, which I visited today and they have SO much trumpet music!!! Woo! I was kind of lost but eventually made it back into town. I guess the most exciting part of my day was buying super glue. And you can imagine me with super glue. My boots were talking so I had to fix them, and even though I was being super careful, I still managed to get a patch of it on my arm and on one finger. Let me tell you, that stuff is not easy to get off. And then when I went to wash it off, because I was in such a rush I just kind of threw my boot on my bed, and when I came back sever parts of it were stuck to my red fleece blanket which was just lovely.

Oh, and I think that my children's book idea was kind of a fail. I haven't looked at it since yesterday.. I think I got discouraged when I couldn't get through the second sentence. But on a lighter note! It turns out I can use the phone that I used in Ireland here! It will only cost 15 euro to get it unlocked, and that also includes 10 euro credit on the phone, so sweet! :)

Anyways, thats it for now. Maybe tomorrow something will happen thats more exciting than buying super glue.

Thanks for reading!!! :) :) :)


1 comment:

  1. You continue to make me laugh Susie - keep the posts coming!
