Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jet Lag?

I only have a couple of minutes, but I just came out to get my free breakfast (that is offered from 8 to 10 am), but then I walked out here & there was no breakfast & no one here. I was soo confused! I was sure that it was just past 8am. So then I looked at the clock and it said 11:45... ! What! That means I missed breakfast annndd the free tour I was planning on taking today that began at 11:15am . Well good thing for me there is also one that starts at 1:15pm. I guess when I closed my eyes for those extra five minutes it was actually 4 hours? I thought I was over the jet lag for the most part because of my first night's sleep, but apparently not. So now I'm off to the train station to buy my ticket for tomorrow! Exciting!!! And then shopping tonight with a friend I have living here.
Have a good day everyone! :)


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