Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Red Light District!

Soo tonight was such a good night!!! Okay, well I had a nap from 2 til 6 today, but then I woke up and decided to grab something to eat in the bar we have here at the hostel. I was being kind of lame and just sitting by myself eating, having a beer, and on my computer in the bar. The beers were buy one get one free so I decided to have two, but when I started my second one I decided to not be so lame and actually go to the bar and try to make some friends! So within like 10 seconds of sitting at the bar, this guy introduced himself and he was from Canada too! New Brunswick actually. So we chatted for a long while and then ended up meeting these other two Candian guys and these three Aussie girls. So we all drank for a while and then went to this little bar, which you could smoke in. There was a sign on the wall that I found quite amusing that said "No Smoking Tobacco"... so just about everything else was welcome! It was SUCH a good night!! Like sooo fun. I got quite drunk (and still am right now) but its not so bad for me, because right now to me it is still 9pm Toronto time, but it is actually 3am!! So hopefully this will help me to get over some of the jet lag.

So after the bars I was walking back to the hostel with a Canadian guy and I decided to pick up a baguette sandwich & him a metre long baguette, then we decided to walk the Red light district. I honestly had like no idea what to expect! It is absolutely insane, you just walk down the street and there are windows upon windows with a lady in each one dressed in lingerie in front of a bed. My innocent eyes! Canada does not prepare you for anything like this! OH! And I forgot to mention earlier, that The Netherlands is pretty much the easiest country to get into of life!! I got into the line that said "non-EU passports" and I swear the lady didn't even check my picture, she just stamped my passport & I was free to go into the country!! I didn't need any of my paper work at all! So so far everything has been going according to plan :)

Anyways I should be off to bed, I'm exhausted and technically its 3am! Night! I'll write again soon :)


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a blast Ms. Susie Q. I'm so jealous. And what did I tell you? GET OFF THE COMP AND MAKE SOME FRIENDS!!! and it worked. :)

    I hope you're having fun. Keep me updated! I want a shoutout soon too :P

